SPoKE: a brilliant filmmaking competition for students

In this post we want to showcase one of the prizes we sponsor which is very close to our hearts. As an organisation whose mission is ‘to inspire a lifelong love of learning about subjects from art and architecture to history, literature and music‘,...

alumni Molly in front of Amelia Earhart's Little Red Bus

Alumni careers – where are they now?

As a company that has been sharing its passion for art history for over 30 years, we love to hear about the exciting paths our alumni take after their AHA course.  Here we catch up with two of them who have kept their lifelong...

A Day in the Life of an AHA course

 Part 1: The Morning Session The timetable said we would “begin our exploration of Rome with an introductory walk and a Church crawl via the Pantheon and Piazza Navona.” That doesn’t begin to describe our delight as we ventured out amongst the ochre-coloured buildings...

6 weeks that will change your life: the AHA Gap Year Course

We run a 6 week course across Italy (4 week option in late summer) where you have the opportunity to learn about Western civilisation through art, architecture & sculpture. We venture through Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Siena & Verona. If you’re 18 – 22 years old seeking...