News from China! The Shanghai Fabric Market by Caz St Quinton

Every girl has her dream dress. Unfortunately, these dreams rarely become reality. To get a dress design tailor made is often too expensive and rarely ends up how you once imagined it. However, in the bustling fabric market in Shanghai they will make you...

Art Limerick! This time Donatello’s David by Harriet Israel

  An ode to (Donatello’s) David Surprising in form and in story, my body so youthful and shiny. Arse sticking out, an androgynous pout, am I myth, my Medici, or city? Composed in the Bargello in Florence, March 2011 Donatello probably made his famous...

Happy Coincidence: A Summer Student’s AHA Journey

Originally, I was an English student:  I read lots and loved analysing books. Then last Christmas I became absorbed by my a-level art history course and began learning about artists’ lives, analysing paintings and studying critics. I was hooked. I first heard of Art History...