John Baret, redeem me? By AHA alum Maddie Brown

  My last essay of term was on material culture and late medieval lay religion in England. Exhausted, and with my brain saturated with all the information I had stuffed into it during the previous seven weeks of term, it sadly was not a...

MoMA: Up Close. By AHA tutor Lavinia Harrington

The question of whether or not mechanical and digital images affect our perception of the original artwork takes us to the heart of art history, a discipline that since its inception has predicated the importance of authenticity. In 1934 Walter Benjamin stated in his...

Why is it that Italian food is so good? Will Martin discusses…

When the vast majority of people think of Italian food, they think of two obvious things. I won’t patronise and say what they are, but they do both start with the letter ‘P’ and end in the letter ‘A’! Whilst these two carb based...

Your Paintings Need You! By AHA alum Katie Campbell

The revelation that all those with access to the internet can now browse the nation’s collection of paintings, has gone relatively unnoticed, unless of course you managed to catch the Culture Show programme last Saturday (students by any chance?).  So here goes! The Public...