We’re great believers in creativity and we have always encouraged it as we travel.  This year we introduced an (optional) personal creative project for students on our gap year courses. Sara Lucas, a fantastic poet from our Early Summer course, used this opportunity to write poems inspired by some of her favourite places on the trip.

This view from the castle of Titignano and the “incredible and transformative experience it was staying there” moved her to create this beautiful piece.  For those of you who have stayed here, this will transport you straight back to our favourite medieval castle on the hill (with apologies to Ed Sheeran!).

How it feels to have seen the world extend into forever

Photo: Sara Lucas

Rolling green hills bask in a sea of sun,
dappled with the shadows of tufted candy clouds.
the sky slides up into the deepest blue, dances
darkly at the edge of the universe.
rows of vineyard slant in mimicry,
greenery, vividry
a river
lazes into neverland.

And the cats come close and the heat turns high
and we can hide ourselves in this castle
on a mountaintop,
and I preserve myself
(just) this young forever.

Here I feel the splicing of my selves,
separate yet congealed in one:
I kick the ball, I drink the rain
and a piece of me will do always:
will drink the ball, will kick the rain,
(encapsulated) will remain
though I shoot forward into future.

This is how it feels, to have
your soul encased in clouds,
your eyes drowned in splendor,
your stomach stuffed to bursting.
This is how it feels, in our castle on a mountaintop.
This is how it feels to have seen the world extend into forever.

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