Summer course students on the Bay of Naples

Trying not to be in touch

“Dad, what’s that music you played me; old music, something demonic and James Bond. I want to play it to Marie (one of AHA’s tutors)”. My heart leapt. It is Bosch Butt Music and the score appears on the bare bottom of a figure...

Getting creative with AHA

We’re great believers in creativity and we have always encouraged it as we travel.  This year we introduced an (optional) personal creative project for students on our gap year courses. Sara Lucas, a fantastic poet from our Early Summer course, used this opportunity to...

alumni Molly in front of Amelia Earhart's Little Red Bus

Alumni careers – where are they now?

As a company that has been sharing its passion for art history for over 30 years, we love to hear about the exciting paths our alumni take after their AHA course.  Here we catch up with two of them who have kept their lifelong...

Read all about it! The AHA Scholarship.

For those of you trying to save up your pennies to join a wonderful AHA course next year, you might want to check out our scholarship. The winner is awarded the worth of a 2-week summer course which they can use to join us during...

Summer – We Miss You Already!

Wherever you were this summer, you might have guessed that we were gallivanting around galleries in Italy with our wonderful summer courses. We started with the essentials and ensured our energy levels were up. We take our gelato seriously here:          ...